Cats are independent creatures that come in many breeds each with its own traits. Whether from the luxurious fur of the regal Persian or the vocal Siamese that is known to play, choosing a cat requires that cat lovers understand their individual traits and how they will fit into a cat’s life.
Cats have been companion to humans for thousands of years in terms of history. The grace and mystery of cats has been revered in ancient cultures. The cat has been a part of human culture, from its Egyptian reverence as the cat goddess Bastet to its association with witchcraft in medieval Europe.
Before bringing a cat into your home, determine whether your space, time commitment and allergies would allow for a permanent feline resident. The attention and grooming demands of cats are quite variable; therefore make sure you select a type which is consistent with your liking as well as your capability being an owner.
Finally, cats belong to a mysterious world that is a mixture of much beauty, history, and some characteristics of personality. Are you a cat owner with experience or someone who is thinking about adding a cat to your household? Whatever the case is, you need to know about breeds, their properties, and the responsibilities of owning such a pet so you and your pet cat will have a happy and enriching relationship.